
If your wife is any bit like mine, the opposition against cameras is basically a
mild jealousy over the time you spend with it, instead of assisting her with the
kid. :-)

In the long term, this will pass as the kids grow out of their diapers.
In the short term, bring the camera. You must never confirm her theory that it's
_either_ family _or_ camera. take ample of shots of the kid, enjoy outdoors
photography while taking the lad for a stroll (especially when he sleeps in the
stroller), volunteer for some (not all...) extra diaper changes, feeding, etc.

To all London DPML'ers,
Please don't mention this mail to Vera in the coming week-end. :-)


Quoting Shaun Canning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> We are about to embark on a 3 week holiday in tropical Far North Queensland
> with wife and 8 month old son. Wife does not want me to
> take *ist D etc. What do I do? Do I:
> 1. Leave camera at home, 
> 2. Leave wife and son at home,
> 3. Take son and leave wife, 
> 4. Justify buying a new compact digicam because our S50 can't come close to
> replicating the results of the *istD, or
> 5. Throw a tantrum.
> I am really confused....
> :-) 
> Shaun
> Dr. Shaun Canning
> Cultural Heritage Services
> 11 Lawrence Way
> Karratha, Western Australia, 
> 6714
> 0414-967644

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