A forwarded message of importance to the PDML and Pentax users:


Thank you for your interest in the DxO Technology. At present we do not have Pentax bodies on our list of next releases, however that could always change. For next DxO Module development, please check this web page:


We keep this page updated. So please, do not hesitate to come back and check it from time to time. It constitutes the entire available information as of today.

You or other Pentax users could request Pentax camera bodies and modules here:


However, until we have our form updated (soon), the only Pentax camera body on the list at present there is the Pentax *istD. Items can be added under line 11 (free form) only in the case that another item is listed above (bad web develpoment!)

 Best regards,

 Julie Y
 DxO Labs

We should flood the page with responses. This is the software that corrects flaws in lens designs extremely accurately.

BTW, in spite of all my bitching two years ago, I bought an *ist D; I will never take internet reviews so seriously again; it's a great camera. 16"x20" blowups, sharp as a tack, zero grain, stunning detail that blows the doors off formerly great film like Vevia - fabulous! And the FA*24mm f2 is once again an amazing lens if you shoot RAW and do the chromatic aberration correction - everything else I heard was total lies. My 28-70 (now a 42 - 105) 2.8 is simply stunning, the 85 f1.4 has a depth of field of about an 1/8" wide open, my 300 is now a 450 f4.5, and all my Metz flashes work wirelessly extraordinarily well. And the battery life with the pack on is extraordinary - several days to a week on one charge of the NIMH.

Also, one phenomenon that no one has mentioned is that suddenly we have seem to have twice as many f stops as before; now I'm getting sequences like f1.4, 1.8, 2.3, 2.8, 3.2, etc.

The only thing I miss is the wide angle - bring on the 12-24.

8 gig memory high speed memory cards now available.

I'm sorry, but film IS dead.


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