Hmm.  Perhaps I should sell the SF-1 I have
(never used by me; a gift from a neighbour)

On Thu, May 05, 2005 at 02:38:36PM -0400, Ann Sanfedele wrote:
> Boy - that went fast!  
> ann:)
> p.s. wanna buy a duck isntead?
> Ann Sanfedele wrote:
> > 
> > I know it is Friday somewhere and Friday in NY
> > I'll be up to my eyeballs
> > in misc commitments...
> > 
> > I'm putting this SF-1 on ebay if no one here wants
> > to give me $115 for itplus
> > $10 shipping:
> >
> > 
> > I got a clean bill of health on it from  Photo
> > Tech Repair on NY and
> > it includes, as you see, the small one camera
> > camera bag , the smc f.17 F 50mm
> > lens.  All black body.
> > 
> > It really is in perfect condition (that means i've
> > never used it:) )
> > was given to a friend of mine years ago who never
> > touched it.
> > 
> > Photo tech checked it out for me and cleaned it
> > too. The battery grip is
> > the lithium battery shape.
> > 
> > Save me from writing the thing up on ebay.  I've
> > seen the lens alone going for
> > $69.00 on eekbay.
> > 
> > The date on the manual is 1987.
> > 
> > ann

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