Doesn't make it any less art, though.  If you find it boring does that mean
it's no longer art, or a work of importance?  Is Peter Max's work no longer
art?  Is Warhol's soup can any less (or more) than it once was.

Sensibilities and culture change with time.  Many things fall in and out of
favor, but does changing favor change the object from what it was to
something else?


> [Original Message]
> From: DagT 

> I´m not so sure about the test of time.  Sometimes art can have an 
> important impact, as some of it did in the late sixties, and loose it´s 
> relevance when the work is done.
> Even Monet was controversial once, now many of us find it boring, just 
> another pretty picture.
> DagT

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