Hi David ...

Your comments gave me an idea for further tweaking, so I tried a B&W
version with a darker sky and a few other adjustments.  The dark sky is a
nice effect.  Thanks.


> [Original Message]
> From: David Savage 

> I like it.
> I thought the same as others that it might look good in B&W so I did a
> conversion that I thought mimicked the effect of a red filter. With
> darkened sky & water  the hull really pops out.
> But on comparing it against the original colour version I can't say I
> prefer one over the other. They both work for me in different ways.
> Anyway, great shot.
> Dave S
> P.S. Even in it's heyday that was an ugly boat:-)

> > http://home.earthlink.net/~my-pics/warm.html

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