
That is legit, but when I send something out of the country via USPS, the customs declaration asks the value, and asks whether it's "gift, commercial sample, documents, returned goods, or other". I checked "other", in this particular case. "Other", in that case is true. And since they ask, I have to tell the truth.

Naturally, if I were to deal with you I wouldn't ask you to do otherwise.

I don't believe I did anything inconsiderate. I sent it the legitimate way. If there were an option to legally let him avoid tax, that would be fine with me, but since there isn't any such option, I just had to do the right thing.

Of course not. I reckoned you asked a general question and I tried to give a general answer. I apologize if I offended you in any way.

Well, I bought the lens for $499, and sold it for $450, six years later. I don't have to declare that as income; it's not, it's a loss. Income would be if I bought it for $450 and sold it for $499. ;)

Yes of course.

Would you be willing to do this? If I am paying taxes for buying/import, why wouldn't you pay taxes for selling/export?

Yes, if I were generating income, I would have to pay tax on it. But I'm not a camera dealer, I'm just a guy who owned a lens for a few years and sold it for near full price.

Naturally. Please realize that many people, though of course perhaps not this guy you meant initially, are mere amateurs, such as myself. All they want is to buy some good dear for price that is not as outrageous as it often is for new gear.

Shake hands? :)


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