Question 1.) No clue. I expect Nikon to say it always worked that way and your memory is faulty...

Question 2.) Any time you make a change to XP it requires a re-registration/activation. Microsoft has made this relatively painless, but I still see it as a mindless intrusion by a huge corporation bent on controlling my desktop. For that reason alone I haven't installed XP on any machine I own.

Question 3.) I don't even have a guess.


         Hey gang.
I'll try and keep this short and to the point(s)

1-I had the AF and Meter board replaced in the D2H last fall.I have only used it on a few
flash pictures since then,but i took it to my daughter final out door tune up show and shot a few. The 3d
matrix metering seems to over expose now, about 0.7 to 1.0 with major right hand highlite spikes
and midtones are right up to the "roof" of the histo box.
I;m calling Nikon re this,to see if it something a computer check up will fix,however, i
notice now that the histo has 'spikes' all through it were it did not before. Picture a nice smooth
mountain with sticks poppin up in various places. Anyone tell me why its would do that.Similar to what one
would look like after using auto levels. Those kind of spikes,but they shoot up through and past the main
body of thehisto.
I dont get that on the istD,just a nice smooth histo,and i dont remember the d2h doing
that before. Actually prior to the baord going south,the 3d matrix worked pretty well
I have asked this on my nikon board but i'm being avoided:-(.

2-Turned on the computer last night and got a message that XP has not been
activated,please do so now.Only problem is it was activated when i bought the unit over two years ago. I have
upgraded to SP2. Would this indicate some sort of invasion in my computer.??I have had turn on
problems lately.

3-Tried to take a few squirrel and Bluejay pictures in the backyard with the istD and
Sigma 300f4. I just noticed it says macro on the lens. Is this activated with that limit/full switch.?
I googled the lens but came up empty.


A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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