Well this is what changed between the II and the S version
The L-308S has numerous new features which make this latest exposure meter easier to use and more accurate. The new features are as follows:
· ½ or 1/3 step selectable reading to match your digital or film cameras with customisable setting.
· The battery indicator and ISO settings are permanently displayed on the larger, clearer LCD panel which is now easier to read and able to show more information. · The 1/10 step reading is displayed in digital instead of analogue dot.

all this does is make it more difficult for more to choose, thanks:). Plus I really need a new flash, that 360 just dosn't have enough power. I'm looking at the Metz hammerhead, and I need a F300mm, and a 50mmF1.4, and I've been looking for the shoe for my tripod for the last 2 weeks, can't use that one....and...and...you guys aren't helping at all...:(


Alan Chan wrote:

--- Feroze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Well that's six votes for the 308, guess that helps me make my mind up....

Well, not really. There are 308II & 308S... <g>

Alan Chan

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