> > Yes, the flash is nice, zooming looks correct with DA16-45. I just
> > tested it with "ex-yours" A70-210, so far I am very happy.
> What ISO?

well, from PDML wisdom I learned it must be ISO 400, so I am testing
it with that value.
Later I will try 200. 
It looks nice to me. But my wife doesn't allow to publish anything -
you know, no make-up, she looks terrible, etc...

This weekend I will be shooting at mountain bike marathon (I am too
lazy to take part - did it for previous ten years) and I plan to play
with the flash there. Any advice for using it outdoor? Other than keep
it home? :-)
I will not be official shooter, but there is a chance the pictures
could be used for web or something..

Peter B.

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