

I was about to round file this one, but decided to post it here to see what
the experts thought of it.  It's just a rough "work print."  Comments and
crits welcome.

Me so thinks me is up to the lesson here. Gentlemen, kind sir Shel :), may I present a question to the honorable assembly? :)

Shel, my first reaction is that the train would come from the left. Which Julia "uhums" in the back. (Uhum means yes :) ). Then of course the bike is on the far left. Which together, at least to my warped morning mind, does not exactly sum up to the "Bike Waiting for a Train"... I'd rather see the bike may be somewhat to the right, or if may be allowed such a harsh word - to the center...

Now, I *don't mean* that as a criticism. I'd rather someone told me if I am right or wrong and why...


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