Rick Womer schrieb:

One month from now I'll be at a meeting in Stuttgart. My wife and I are adding a week's holiday to the end
of said meeting, and are contemplating a swing through
Freiburg, Colmar, and Strasbourg (Black Forest in
Germany and Alsace in France).

Any suggestions for shooting, dining, or

Hello Rick,

found your message today; hope it's not gone for you...

I could make some suggestions which may help you. I come from the south of Germany, grew up in the BlackForest (quite a big shooting area ;-) and now live near Stuttgart... There is so much to see and so many places to go... Though I've been living here my whole life, I've yet so much to see...

For dining it depends on the size of your "Geldbeutel" :-) but there is one or two of the best German restaurants near Freudenstadt an Baiersbronn/Tonbach: they are called "Traube" and "Barreis". Super-highly recommended! But of course there is also the more "rooty" possibility all around... You will find something good quite eveywhere in the swabian area (oohh... I'm so proud to be one... ;-) :-) Call me if you want...

Tja,... and for accommodations... depdends on your taste... My aunt owns a hotel in a little twon called "Kniebis" in the higher northern Black Forest... There are so many pensions around... So you get the real German feeling... (if you like it)...

If you give us some detailed request, I put on some detailed answers - for the rest of here...

Many greets,

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