Bruce Dayton schrieb:

I'd have to agree with Dario, I have had very sharp pictures out of my
DA 16-45.  In fact, I have had better images overall with it than I
did my FA*24/2 on the *istD.

Hello Bruce,

possibly it has a defect or is not ajusted properly... But as you may have seen, the problem only appears in the corners... The middle is quite good.

Maybe you could better describe exactly how you went about doing the
test. There could be some issues that we could help with.

I'll try....

Stood up _in_ a window directly under the rooftop... Used a tripod and 2 second delay (?) for the mirror... Everything was fixed and the distance was Infinity... for the houses are some metres away as seen on the overview... The 2 shootings happend on different days - 28mm and 40mm I mean... The crops where produced automatically by Irfanview always at the same position.

What else is important to know? I'm quite sure to not have made a big mistake...

Greets, Johannes.

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