Apologies in advance if this sounds like an advertisement, but I
thought some of you may be interested.

After leaving St. Louis, where I had several choices of good labs,
I've found myself surrounded by incompetent mini-labs, no local B&W
processing, and endless frustration sending B&W to Qualex.  So I gave
up.  As I posted before, I'm processing my B&W at home.  But I've
started sending all the C-41 stuff to Clark Color.  I believe they are
affiliated with York Photo and Snapfish.  Out of a couple dozen rolls,
the only mistake so far has been one roll printed on glossy paper
instead of matte.  In general their quality level is at least as good
as some of the better mini-labs I've used.  But the last roll I sent
them, my very first roll of XP Super, came back with an added bonus. 
They printed it on B&W paper!  There was no extra charge, and the
quality is on par with processing and printing that has cost me much
more in the past.  Needless to say, I'm a happy camper.

Just thought I'd share.  BTW, I sent the film to their Hampton Park, MD lab.
Scott Loveless

"You have to hold the button down" -Arnold Newman

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