Hi all--

I unsubbed and went back to lurk mode -- too much email, LOL! I think I learn more by reading via Mail Archive anyway, and it's easy enough to pop up occasionally with a post like this.

About "Understanding Exposure" -- I'm glad my innocent question sparked a lively discussion! I have very much enjoyed reading the thread, and the responses from all sides have been very helpful. I am still tracking down books and websites, but what I've read so far is great.

I even have a clearer idea of what it was I was looking for! My knowledge of exposure from my early days was intuitive and unreliable. Now that I have switched to an automated camera, I was looking for both a broad, general explanation of exposure and specific practical information applicable to my camera. The ol' Spotmatic did not have EV compensation. :-) Sorry Shel, I am *not* going to chuck my automated plastic device and once again lug around a clump of metal. Give me a 2005 Toyota Camry over a '52 Buick Roadmaster any day. Larf!

The information you've provided has helped me learn more about my camera, a film *ist. I know it's not that popular here, and many of the criticisms are valid. But the more I use the camera and understand its features, the more I like it. The controls are so well laid out, I can easily switch mode and aperture/speed and metering and EV compensation and focus points without ever taking my eye from the finder. I really like the LCD on the rear rather than the top plate. The metering and focusing are excellent and fast. It's as easy to use as a P&S when set to auto everything, which makes it nice when someone else takes a snap. It's so small and light that I carry it much more, which means I take more pictures. And it works perfectly with the few lenses I use -- with a FA 50mm f/1.7 it's barely more than a pound and fits in a largish pocket.

I am not trying to convince anyone here, but in case there are lurkers out there in Internet land who are curious about this camera, I highly recommend it. And that's the end of my discussion on gear. :-)

And despite the title, no, I do not claim that I fully understand exposure now, but I do know more than I did before, and that's what counts. Thanks again for all the comments and suggestions. I'll still be reading via the archive.


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