Doug Brewer wrote:
> Ann Sanfedele wrote:
> > >
> > Erudite snobby nature photog FYI (that, o course
> > Doug knows very well)
> > Pronghorn ain't antelope
> Oh, but they are:

annsan replies:

Oh but the are not.  True antelopes are of the
family BOVIDAE.

NOte this from the page you sent me to.

" One can truly call this animal unique:
 he is the lone member of his family,
 Antilocapra americana, 
 which literally means the 
 "American goat-antelope." 

I think at one point they were swinging back and
forth between considering
the beastie more closely related to goats then to
antelopes and vice-versa.

But like the American Robin (not a robin) and a
couple other ones I can't
think of right now, I guess the popular name will
stick.  I spent
a lot of time getting corrected myself :)

I'll forgive you ... as long as you don't mind me
showing off

The closest I've ever gotten to one was a young'un
thinking it was hiding inthe
tall grasses up near the Roosevelt gate to
YEllowstone... at dusk...
thought I couldn't see him/her.  But no pics to
write home about.

Must have been lovely to have them that close -
even without getting the shot..

see ya soon!

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