William Robb wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "keithw" Subject: Re: Rumors About Pentax's Future

Why the concern?

Tom is very concerned about being able to upgrade his camera bodies.

William Robb


LIke, buy a new model car, with more advanced features, and such?
Hate to be stuck with a 2004 model, because a 2006 or -7 will be SO much more capable?

Heck, if all car makers stopped issuing new annual models right now, you'd start comparing your make with other owners makes, to compare capabilities. Owners would start thinking about what their cars are really worth, what they can do, and how easy to drive, what creature comfort accessories they have, etc., etc.

Advertising hype to buy a new model is merely a fenzied push to get one dissatisfied with what they presently have! Not that the current model is in ANY way inferior, but soon the owners believe it is, and wonder how the hell they were ever talked into such a piece of crap body!

If it worked just fine when they first bought it, chances are it's working just the same now. What changed is the owner!
S/he allowed an ad agency to snooker them.  Tsk, tsk, tsk...


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