On 25 May 2005 at 23:41, Tom C wrote:

> Yeah, you're pretty funny Rob.  :)
> I figure the laptop will allow me to run Photoshop and do a little editing,
> along the way, not to mention the added ability to burn CD's, DVD's for 
> backups.
>  Weird how digital induces paranoia that I never had with film. Is there a 
> 100G
> standalone storage device???  Most I've seen is around 80G.  If the Epson 
> thing
> was 80G, I might consider it... but the 40G, is it?, is still too small to
> justify the expense, IMO.

I bought both my X-S Drive and CompactDrive without drives fitted so I could 
buy and fit suitable drives. At the time 80GB drives were the highest capacity 
available, now 100GB 2.5" PATA drives are available from Fujitsu and Seagate. 
If the Epson device doesn't come in an 80 or 100GB format then they are just 
delaying their release to ensure they have future upgrade sales potential.

If you need editing capabilities or web access a lap-top is idea of course, if 
not though it's a lot of weight/expense. I like the idea of being able to back-
up to CD Rom or DVD however I really wouldn't consider it necessary for a trip 
of less than 3 weeks duration. I also am quite pleased about not having 
review/edit facilities whilst I'm out and about. I treat the digital like film 
to an extent, shoot and forget. 

Regarding paranoia, I am pretty happy with my portable storage, generally a can 
shoot all day to cards and DL in the evening when I have a source of mains 
power and I never DL whilst I'm on the move, any time the platter is spinning 
I'm stationary. I use the drive only for storage, no videos or music on the run 
or anything like that. The nice thing about the Compact Drive is that it also 
doubles as a battery AA charger, oh and it's quite inexpensive. One less thing 
to lug about.


Rob Studdert
Tel +61-2-9554-4110
UTC(GMT)  +10 Hours
Pentax user since 1986, PDMLer since 1998

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