No, you're right. But many have been pining for pro level cameras from Pentax for a long time. Remember back in the days before digital how the list whined for a new LX? Now some expect Pentax to match Canon's top of the line offerings. Ain't gonna happen. But we'll continue to get very good cameras from Pentax, perhaps once a year or so as in the past.
On May 26, 2005, at 3:44 AM, Alan Chan wrote:

--- "keller.schaefer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The FA 3/35 is not even in the Pentax Germany price list since 12 months -
and Germany is not a niche market for Pentax.

It is nice to know that B&H got hold of some from wherever but what kind of sales strategy is that? Pentax did have a decent lens range for 40 years until now. How can they possible let the opportunity slip to sell me a DA 1,7/35, a DA 2/24 a DA 2,8/24-70, a D-FA 2,8/70-200 to name a few and let me turn to Sigma instead? They were able to offer comparable lenses for decades
and they are unable now? What does this tell me?

My observation is that the success of Pentax back in the Spotmatic and M series period was due to their unique yet affordable SLR bodies. However, since the A series, the lack of these quality has failed to capture the attention of the general public. To prove this theory, after the long struggling with the SF & Z/PZ series, the introduction of the MZ/ZX-5 have put Pentax back in serious business again, something not even the MZ-S could do due to its cost. So it seems "unique + affordable" have always been the winning combination for Pentax 135 system. And I think the DS possess these quality as well, although a little short on unique. Am I wrong?

Alan Chan

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