I would have no trouble advising some folks to go with Pentax since I
suspect that they will never want a high end system or if they would
appreciate being able to buy used lenses.  The "of course"  problem with
Pentax is these lingering doubts about their survival.

BTW, I got my KEH catalog in the mail and was stunned by the lack of
used Pentax AF primes.  I initially thought that KEH might be divesting
themselves, but "Top Ten Most Wanted" ad on the back cover included
Pentax AF primes.  To me this means they can't keep them in stock.  Is
this because the DS has made these desirable?

Steven Desjardins
Department of Chemistry
Washington and Lee University
Lexington, VA 24450
(540) 458-8873
FAX: (540) 458-8878

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