On 30/5/05, frank theriault, discombobulated, unleashed:

>> http://www.photo.net/photodb/photo?photo_id=3408588
>> Paul
>That's a sweet shot, Paul.  From the photo you took 10 seconds later,
>we know that he retained the rose, and seemed quite happy to have it.
>In this photo, he appears to almost be nervous, imploring or
>entreating her to take it.  One feels that he'll feel tremendous
>rejection if she says no.

Actually, she's just on the verge of posting him, and he's begging her
not to, tempting her with the rose. She's thinking about it, but he's
already been stamped, so in he goes. All the way to Amorillo, next day, air.


It's a lovely shot.


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