It's probably the same one I've seen round here. Sort
of odd-looking 50s retro look. (That's how I see it
anyway :-) ). A couple of times I've meant to stop and
take a picture of it. There's a billboard on the road
to the airport. Happened to be going there ths morning
and noticed it. Meant to stop on my way back but
forgot. Can't see it when you drive in the oposite


--- frank theriault <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The word Pentax was sighted, anyway...
> I'm crossing the Don Valley Parkway, one of
> Toronto's busiest and most
> congested controlled access highways, and in a
> ~very~ prominent spot
> (atop the old Lever factory between Queen and
> Richmond, for any
> locals) there's a huge Pentax billboard ad.  Every
> one of the tens or
> hundreds of thousands of commuters heading downtown
> to work each day
> can't miss it.
> It's simply a large white sign, with the "Pentax"
> logo in bold capital
> letters.  Very simple, very classy, very effective,
> IMHO.  No
> "official camera of the internet" or any crap like
> that.  Just
> "Pentax".
> I hope to get a pic of it before they take it down.
> Well done, Pentax Canada.
> cheers,
> frank
> -- 
> "Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri
> Cartier-Bresson

Wendy Beard
Ottawa, Canada

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