Sadly the green button fails in dim lighting, (not so dim lighting sometimes), from being beyond the ev range of the meter. I shoot in lots of dim light situations, I don't like the in camera meter being crippled if I don't use a zoom, and the only other "A" mount lens I own is the FA 43. I too would like to see the return of the simulator lever.

Boris Liberman wrote:


You assume that the news were unexpected or inexplicable to them; I am
not sure about that. You see, these people are no little-Kostases[1]
with all talk and no walk asking for a FF solution yesterday or else.
They know how much what costs and how far they can go, and make their
decisions accordingly.

Oh of course. You're probably right...

Sod the FF and bring back the bloody actuator! (said he, stirring the
fight from a suitable distance :-)

Kostas (the name picked randomly :-) ), I must tell you that the green
button solution of *istD is perfectly acceptable to me. I really think
that this actuator is not *that* necessary any more.

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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