--- Pål Jensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Neither the F3 or the F1 made any money. They were expensive to built and 
> built by
> hand. 
> Sales volume. 5000 units a month was a LOT for the most expensive 35mm slr 
> money
> could buy. 

I don't have any figure so I am not going to argue, though I have no idea where 
figure came from either.

> Super A's are thrown in the garbage and you consequently never hear about 
> them.  

Not impossible, but then the common rubber issue with the LX is clearly a wrong
decision on design and choice of materials.

> I don't really agree with this. When the Z-series were current the lens line 
> up
> was mostly OK. The F:4 quality zooms was virtually non-existent from all
> manufacturers back then; Canon didn't make them until the late 90's. By then
> Pentax had lost interest in the SLR line-up.

Then why they bother FA* and then LIMITED if they lost interest? LIMITED, 
FA*200/4 &
FA*400/5.6 were introduced in late 90's.

> The F:4 quality zooms seems to coming
> now in DA form now that Pentax supposedly have rediscovered slr's for digital 
> this
> time. 

The market changes, some react, some don't.

> However, if you keep wining about Pentax lens line from 15 years back, I 
> seriously
> think you should have shifted system long ago to put you out of misery.
> Personally, I find Pentax current lens line up pretty much OK. There are 
> holes but
> for my usage there are larger holes in the Canon lens line up.

I am not whining, I am trying to point out the issues with Pentax. There is a
difference between whining and discussing. But then if there are holes in the 
line up, Pentax's one would be pits.

> Nonsense. Mine doesn't. Neither is this supported by test and published MTF
> values.

The only test (not opinions) I have found is photodo, and their results are 
much inline with my experience. I shoot and test my FA43 many times and came to 
same conclusion. At least I know Rob has the same opinion on FA43. We both, of
course, bought the lemons.  :-)

Alan Chan

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