>But why destroy all that information in a file only to have to 
>start over again later should you want another copy of the 
>file?  I just don't understand your reasoning.  Of course, 
>with PS 7.0 you have to do a lot of your work flow in 8-bit 
>anyway, so maybe the difference isn't that great an issue.

Well, I could have saved the straight scan. But that's a five minutes or so
job, hardly worth couple 100 of Mb. 

>From the straight scan on everything I do is the interpretation of the scan
that ends with an 8-bit file prepared for a print. As you pointed out
correctly, most things, except for color and tonality adjustments, must be
done with 8-bit image in 7.0 so I have to switch to 8-bits rather early. 

Should I wish to find another interpretation of the photograph (be it
different tonality or conversion to B/W or something else) I pretty much
need to start from the straight scan. 

Of course there are situations where another interpretation could have been
made from some point in the middle of the flow. These are the cases where
16-bit support along the way comes into play but it's just not there in 7.0.

Last year and a half I haven't been able to follow what's been going on with
PS (or to do much related to photography other than taking photographs), so
right now I really don't know what the newest versions are capable of.

As it seems that I'll get some more time in the future, I might have to
rethink the way I'm doing things, including a possibility of ditching 7.0
for something better.



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