Hi Mark, Frantisek ...

I recall reading about the minimum ~amount~ of chemistry suggested for full
development a few years ago, and have since developed pretty much all my
flim in larger tanks to get that additional amount - i.e., one roll in a
two reel tank, two in a four reel tank.  That got to be pretty unwieldy at
some point - I don't like using large tanks - so in order to develop
several rolls at a time I tried working with a few tanks simultaneously. 
Made for quite a sight, and it was also unwieldy in a different way.  Now I
just take my time ... no more than two rolls at a time.


> [Original Message]
> From: Mark Cassino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <pentax-discuss@pdml.net>
> Date: 6/12/2005 7:52:08 PM
> Subject: Re: Getting That Old Fashioned Glow - Coming Along
> A CC is a cubic centimeter - same as a milliliter. Cripes, I though only
> Yanks were confused by the metric system!
> Here's a link to a discussion re the minimum amount of Rodinal needed:
> http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=005EIh
> here's a quote from an Agfa rep:
> >>>>>>>>>
> in our technical data we mention that 500 ml concentrate of RODINAL will 
> last for 50 films (135-36). That means that you need 10 ml concentrate to 
> process 1 film. 

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