Graywolf wrote:

> Now just what does it take to equal the Anti-Digital 
> Intentional Photography Camera*?
> *My Crown Graphic 45, for those who don't know. I added the 
> "Intentional Photography" (from another thread) because it 
> does one shot at a time <GRIN>.

Kodak Holosuite Plus. So good, you think you're there.

Of course there are always people who want the latest technology, even if it
doesn't produce a really fantastic difference. While they are buying these
new products, cash flows through the manufacturers to develop the one after
that and so on. I may well wait for a period of upgrades, and some time
later jump back in the buying cycle with a vastly improved camera to my
previous one, but that benefit to me will only be felt because people have
bought the upgraded equipment in-between. Keep them buying I say :-)

Upgrading is good for you; indirectly. 


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