M> if you want to support your favorite software company (like
M> any reasonable and well behaved person would), you should

Ugh Ogh. I hope you are joking...

Adobe is nice but it's not charity. It's a business intent on
maximising profits, by doing whatever good or bad they can do
(remember the e-book case, and there were many others too).

There is no damn "obligation" to support them. If you feel so, their
branding campaigh sucked you in... They deliver the product I want, I
buy it. But supporting them intentionally? Only a fool can do that.
Adobe is _big_ capitalist company, they are no small family owned
restaurant... Nor a coop. They maximise profits. Why oh god should you
help them maximise profits by not using "loopholes" like the PS6 on
ebay? Only a fool would not take advantage of that. Or a brand idiot.
Or do you really think they need our heartful and continuing support?
That we should not deprive ourselves of more money to Adobe?


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