What you say is true, in a traditional auction where you actually get to inspect the items offered before the sale. To materially misrepresent the item you're selling is still fraud even in an auction.
Wigwam Jones wrote:

What you are describing is extortion.  Negotiating after the fact in an auction 
is dishonest.  Again, I am not talking about fraud.  I agree that the word 
'perfect' should not be used - anyone can essentially say that something is 
'not perfect' and be correct.  I should not have used it and I had it broken 
off up inside me for using it.  Never again.

When you buy something at retail, you have an expection that it will be as 
described - you'll be able to use it as you imagine you will, as the seller 
claims you will.

When you buy something at auction, you are participating in a risk/reward 
scheme.  You may get something great for nearly nothing - you may get junk and 
have to pay for it.  That is the nature of an auction.  Ebay is an online 
auction.  It's called 'pay your money and take your chance.'  You don't get to 
have it both ways - great deals AND guaranteed satisfaction - unless the seller 
is willing to go that extra mile and offer it as an incentive.

Try going to a county farmer's auction where I live.  Buy something at auction, 
pay for it, take it home.  Bring it back at the next auction and demand your 
money back.  You'll be lucky if all you get is laughed at.  That's not how 
auctions work, and people understand that around here.

-------Original Message-------
From: "Joaquim Carvalho" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Opinions wanted, ebay item condition
Sent: 15 Jun 2005 14:11:09

On Wed, 2005-06-15 at 18:14, Mark Roberts wrote:
> Yes, there are people who use the fear of negative feedback to try to
> get a post-purchase discount this way. My policy is to offer full refund
> (less shipping) or nothing. It's sad that it's come to this but there's
> not much else you can do.

As a seller I'd rather make a small discount for something that is
genuinely not as described than a full refund. Fear of bad feedback
works both ways and is what keeps Ebay working. In short, people just
have to be honest and to demand that other people are honest.

"perfect condition" is subjective: I would describe my MX camera to be
in perfect condition but as it has a few nicks here and there some other
would people say it is only in "very good condition"
-------Original Message-------

A man's only as old as the woman he feels.
                        --Groucho Marx

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