??? I find it good, even at 70mm 2.8

Steve Jolly wrote:

Yep, this is the lens from Pentax's abortive 1981 attempt to get a jump on the autofocus SLR market. The lens is awful wide open and mediocre stopped down, at all focal lengths. It weighs a ton, the autofocus is only compatible with the ME-F, and with Pentax DSLRs it only meters in their special automated stop-down mode. No-one in their right minds would ever mount one on a *istD/*istDS other than to perform pointless lens tests and then post them to the PDML. Or possibly if a freak hurricane destroyed all their other lenses.


These are centre crops from photos taken on my *istDS. ISO 200, RAW converted in Bibble with no additional sharpening. View and weep.


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