I heard it is quite deceiving and very soft at 18mm.
That said, the shop near me sells it at 200 euros which is stupidly
low IMO but is it enough to buy a lemon? dunno ...

2005/6/19, Scott Loveless <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Howdy, gang!  I actually have something to say that's on topic for
> once.  (Go figure.)  As most of you know, Pentax introduced the FA J
> series around the same time they released the *ist (film version, just
> to alleviate confusion), with the intention that the FA J 28-80 would
> be the *ist's 'kit lens'.  After handling this lens in a local camera
> shop I opted to buy the FA 28-90 with my *ist simply because it felt
> better.  I also kept in mind that mounting the FA J on my K1000 would
> be fruitless.  (My logic is often faulty, so don't berate me too much
> for this course of action, please.)  As it turns out, I have never
> taken any photographs using the K1000 or the MX and the FA 28-90.  I
> have since then purchased a second hand F 80-200 which sees use
> exclusively on the *ist.  I might as well be using an entirely
> different system for my zoom lens work.
> This brings me back to the FA J.  Why not pick up the newer 18-35?
> Stan's is devoid of reviews on the FA J series.  Do any of you have
> experience using the FA J series in general or the FA J 18-35
> specifically?  If so, what are your thoughts?
> --
> Scott Loveless
> http://www.twosixteen.com
> --
> "You have to hold the button down" -Arnold Newman

*ist-D,Z1,SuperA,KX,MX and KR-10x ...

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