----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Studdert"
Subject: Re: Are your photos too good?

Go back to the deep pocket theory. Who would you rather sue? Joe six-pack
net worth $50G or Wally-World, net worth $50B. Plus my guess is that suing the customer would get the photographer little more then legal costs "But you Honor,
I just wanted to use the family portrait for my X-mas cards"

Sad, I still can't accept this concept of pushing the blame about to simply obtain the highest return. The courts who allow this type of caper to propagate are partially to blame. It's just all to easy for anyone to assign blame to someone else for their stupidity/deceit days particularly if the blamed have
lots of cash and will keep the legal profession in the money. :-(

It's the way the law is written, not the court's interpretation.
The customer is not the one copying the picture, nor making a commercial gain off the copy. The lab is making the copy, the lab is making the prfit, and the lab has to take responsibility for doing it.

William Robb

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