
If Shel (or anyone) wants to adjust my photos in PS in the cause of making suggestions that they think might improve them, I encourage them to do so wholeheartedly. :-)

May I join you with the same suggestion re my piccies? ;-)

They could, but that's exactly the kind of suggestion that I was hoping for. What would you have used a polariser to achieve? A darker sky? Enhanced/suppressed reflections in the water?

Usually when using polar filter myself I am after these effects:
1. Way better definition of clouds in the sky.
2. I can play with the amount of reflection there is from the water and other reflecting surfaces. I should say that the idea of "Polar Bracketing" came to my mind. You can take a shot with full polarization, no polarization and something in between. If the camera is on tripod and you're shooting something stationary, it can be quite interesting later in post processing... 3. I often like to shoot at wide apertures. Polar filter can be considered as very mild case of ND filter as well...

Here I would be after the clouds and playing with reflections...

Luckily strong light is removable post-capture, up to a point...

Hehe. Shall I challenge you to come here and show me how far you can go removing the strong light effects post capture? I have reasonably fast PC at home so you could use if necessary...

Another thing that still comes to mind is that 28-200 is a compromise optic. What if a proper prime lens of similar focal length was used... Meso thinks it would be slightly better...

I'm not sure I follow you here - are you saying that the photo suffers from a technical imperfection that you can attribute to the lens?

My point was that perhaps with the prime lens that has way less glass inside you might be getting slightly different rendering that might be slightly easier to post-process...


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