As a former studio photographer (Hartford, CT and NYC) - I stopped buying
high end stuff (Nikon and Blad) from the locals because they are too high,
can't stock, and usually unable or unwilling to remedy their mistakes. Bot a
ton of stuff from 47th st photo a hundred years ago and am now buying
happily from B&H. BTW, I am buying used gear from B&H (lots of Pentax 67),
and finding that when you disagree with them on the condition of the gear,
they will negotiate or happily take it back for credit which appears very
promptly on your credit card.

One caveat - I strongly suspect what they call a "demo" piece is really just
a cherry used item which they guarantee, but what the heck if the price is

Anther comment - These Pentax 67 cameras are really a good deal. Well built,
fun to use, and they produces some really sharp stuff. I shoot mostly
outdoors. Still think I would want the Blads if I was doing studio stuff


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Chris Brogden
Sent: Monday, June 18, 2001 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: MZ-S Price Stabilization ???

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001, Aaron Reynolds wrote:

> I've heard lots of complaints over the years on this list that it's
> hard to find places that stock the good stuff from Pentax on the
> shelves, where you can come in and look at it and shop.  Well,
> ordering mail-order is the best way to ensure that the situation gets
> worse.

Hear, hear!  I second everything that Aaron said.  It's a vicious
circle.  Local stores aren't as likely to carry the more expensive stuff
because very few people buy it, and those who do often use mail-order
instead.  If local stores see that they can actually sell upper-end items,
there's more reason for them to stock them as a matter of course, meaning
that you get more fun stuff to play with when you browse there.

Would I pay a premium for shopping locally?  Definitely, because of the
many, many advantages.  And if the local shop is *way* more expensive,
then try talking to them.  Explain the situation, show them what other
places are selling the item for, and see if there's some way they can meet
you in the middle, or at least give you a good deal on some other
stuff.  Believe me, they're not getting rich selling you cameras.  There's
a ridiculously low mark-up on cameras, and most local stores can only
survive because of their photofinishing.


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