On 24/6/05, Cohn Don, discombobulated, unleashed:

>I have finally made the jump to a DSLR and after much hand wringing I
>decided to go with the 20D. Horrible, I know. I have been a silent lurker
>here for many years. I made one single photo contribution to the PUG back in
>January of 2002. But I must say, I have learned a lot from all of you and to
>this day  I anxiously await the new PUG. I will continue to lurk for sure.

Yo Don. 20D eh? May I ask what swayed you over sticking with Pentax? By
all means answer off list if you prefer. The last thing we need is a
little flaming here at the Restaurant at the End of the Universe :-)

>I am looking to sell my small Pentax collection of lenses and bodies. I
>haven't figured out how much the stuff is worth. Maybe you all can help me
>there? How do I determine a fair price for this gear? I have posted pictures
>of the few things I have here: http://www.pbase.com/doncohn/things
>Thanks again for the years of enjoyment and any help you can offer on
>figuring out a fair price for this gear.

One of the best measures is to do a 'completed items' search in eBay.
You'll get a good idea of price versus condition.

HTH and good luck!


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