It's the DA 50-200 of course. I'm very pleased with its performance. This shot is quite sharp at 100%. Perhaps i'll post a detail later.
On Jun 25, 2005, at 4:55 PM, Godfrey DiGiorgi wrote:

Paul Stenquist wrote:

The mercury topped off in the high nineties (F of course) today, so two ice creams are allowed. By the way this is NOT a street shot because it was not taken with a focal length prescribed by the AOPSS (Arcane Order of Pretentious Street Shooters :-)). Seriously it's with the CA 50-200, 200mm, f6.7 @ 1/500, ISO 200, continuous autofocus.

Damn right that's not a street shot, it's a cheeky chippie shot.
Hm. A "CA 50-200" lens? A celebration of Chromatic Aberration? ;-)

 Chairman, AOPSS

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