----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Away for a while but ???? ist D sharpening

Hi folks been away for a while lurking but decided I have been away long enough... Wanted to know what others have been setting their ist Ds to as far as CF -sharpening, saturation etc to. I find that the ist D default settings seem a little bland. Wonder if anyone has set their cameras to maximum sharpening, sauration etc..... and if they leave their AWB at cloudy to get a warming filter or change it depending on the conditions.... I have left my camera in default mode and try to change my awb to suit lighting conditions but I'm not sure I am happy with the results. It seems to take a fair bit of tweaking in Photoshop to get them where I like 'em....

I shoot RAW most of the time, and play with the ones I like until I like them better. If I am shooting jpegs, its usually at fairly low settings, on the theory I can add but can't take away.
And yes, it is a lot of tweaking.

William Robb

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