BTW, don't laugh too hard at the idea of a blind photographer.  There are
at least three legally blind photographers living and working in the San
Francisco area that I know of ... their work is remarkable in that at least
two of them do their own printing as well as making photos, and one uses a
manual focus camera.  He, I believe, is the least blind of the group, with
a 20/200 vision.

I had a blind photographer as a customer when I worked for CVS. He used a P&S camera. No great works of art but he shot as well as half of my customers.

WRT the blind photographer shooting the manual focus camera, I don't believe 20/200 is even close to blind. I have 20/100 and my prescription is not that severe. I'm sure the list must have an optometrist or eye doctor that can confirm or correct me.


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