>                                         > I now see that there are at least 
> two people who have read The Guide, a
> > fabulous book :-)
> > Just as confusing as PDML.
> >
> > Tim
> > Another Norwegian.
> Not as long as you remembered to bring your towel:-)
> Dave(Makes 3)Brooks

Makes 4 - well, I actually didn't read it I
listened to it on the radio.

practically not reading anything on th list - how
did I land here??

> >
> > Never underestimate the power of spupidity in large crowds
> > (Source: somebody)
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Cohn Don [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: 24. juni 2005 16:06
> > To: 'pentax-discuss@pdml.net'
> > Subject: So long, and thanks for all the fish!
> >
> > I have finally made the jump to a DSLR and after much hand wringing I
> > decided to go with the 20D. Horrible, I know. I have been a silent lurker
> > here for many years. I made one single photo contribution to the PUG back in
> > January of 2002. But I must say, I have learned a lot from all of you and to
> > this day  I anxiously await the new PUG. I will continue to lurk for sure.
> >
> > I am looking to sell my small Pentax collection of lenses and bodies. I
> > haven't figured out how much the stuff is worth. Maybe you all can help me
> > there? How do I determine a fair price for this gear? I have posted pictures
> > of the few things I have here: http://www.pbase.com/doncohn/things
> >
> > Thanks again for the years of enjoyment and any help you can offer on
> > figuring out a fair price for this gear.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Don
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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