The Adobe RAW pre-sets don't align at all well with the camera pre-sets and you monitor doesn't need to be calibrated to remedy the problem. Your query prompted me to do something that I've thought about on and off but had not yet done. I've just created a set of camera RAW WB pre-sets for the Pentax *ist D (should be OK for the *ist DS too). Down-load the following file:

..and place the files in:

\Program Files\Adobe\Photoshop CS\Presets\Camera Raw

You can then apply any of the standard integrated Camera WB to any RAW file using "Load Settings" in ACR.


Rob Studdert


I must have done something right in a former life to have run into Rob Studdert on this list. What a gentleman. He has helped me on several occasions, including the presets above. It looks like these will solve the problem. If anyone else is dissatisfied with the Adobe Camera Raw presents, download and try Rob's. They give a much more neutral rendition than the ACR presets, and even more neutral than the presets in the Pentax Raw converter.

In CS2 they go into a different place from where Rob indicated. Here is where they go:

C:\Documents and Settings\Joseph Tainter [for my system]\Application Data\Adobe\Camera Raw\Settings

(And yes, Herb and Godfrey, I will be looking into calibrating my monitor.)

Thanks again, Rob.


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