Mark Roberts wrote:

That's a lovely shot. What aperture did you have the lens set to?

BTW: If the lighting there is always that nice, you should make a note
of that spot for future portraits. :)
I had it set at f2.8, been trying to use Aperture Priority mode most of the time on the DS. I hadn't really been aware of the lighting right then. It was taken a few hours prior to sunset on our east facing porch looking towards the north. I'll have to make sure I keep that in mind. Thanks

Keithw wrote:
Oh yeah! Fine example of a 50mm lens it is!
So's that grandson.
Looks to me like he's going to be a "no nonsense" grownup, too!
Something about his little's got determination written all over it!

That's what I see, anyhow!  ;-)
Yeah, he is the boy I never had. Raised two girls, a house full of females. I finally have a fishing partner! Being a grandparent is awesome as well as humbling. Hope I can do right with him were I fell short with my daughters. I'm actually hoping this particular shot with an email letter will reach one of them that is isn't doing very well in life at the moment.

Boris Liberman wrote:
Jay, this is one positively curious little individual... One day his eyes will be leveled with yours, he is absolutely sure of that...

Yeah he is da bomb, as the young folk here say. I'm glad I won't be too old when that day comes.


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