> Every 180 degrees of rotation it will be lined 
> up with the drive coupler in the camera. If it isn't close enough to 
> lining up (and statistically, it often won't be) then it, well,
> won't line up and couple.

It would normally spin (camera side) until it lined up and then engage 
wouldn't it? At least that's what happens with all my other lenses as far as 
I can tell.

> Shifting the focusing ring slightly takes 
> care of this.

I've tried this until I can hear the AF click into engagement but the AF only 
responds if I had the subject in focus manually first and the lens is still 
pointed at the original point of focus. In contast I can switch to manual 
focus with the 24mm, completetly de-focus the subject, switch back to AF, 
depress the shutter release slightly and it responds instantaneously even in 
relatively poor light.

I'm beginning to think it's a dodgy IC or logic chip maybe.


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