> From: Jostein <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2005/06/29 Wed AM 09:41:27 GMT
> To: pentax-discuss@pdml.net
> Subject: Re: Paw: The scent of early summer
> Easy now, Mike. You're just sleep deprived from all that bat chasing. :-)

Last one tonight.  I think.  At least, out of the present contracts.  A really 
nasty set of houses due for demolition.  They are built against a hill and, 
during preliminary investigation, we discovered that the tenants had created 
themselves a drift mine for coal into the hill!  Out of their back door and 
into the adit.  Very ingenious and exceedingly dangerous from what I could see 
by torch from the entrance.

> When posting PESOs I reuse old HTML files, and sometimes I forget to exchange
> all the code. Sorry about that.

If I had half a brain I would have thought of that.  No need to apologise.  
Gave me some (much needed, apparently) exercise....

> Jostein
> Quoting mike wilson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > If you look at the title of the page, it is Birdie.  At least, it is on 
> > my system.  I can't see a bird shape (birdie is a diminutive in English) 
> > or any other reason within the picture to call it that.  So, I'm 
> > wondering if it is a name related to the geography or what?  It's 
> > driving me insaaaaaane......
> > 
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