Dunno if this piping up is part of your dreams, Cotty, but tonight I'll be
flying back to Denmark to continue my holiday.

To the uninformed, what Cotty calls the FiddlyBits is another derivation from
the ubiqutous Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Readers/listeners may recall
that Slartibartfast had "endless fun doing all the fiddly bits" of designing
the Norwegian coastline.

Driving the west coast isn't any fun in winter anyways, all the interesting
mountain passes are closed by then.

Seriously, though, Bergen is a very photogenic spot. Having lived there for 7
years, I should know. :-)

Tim, I'm very much game for this. Bergen is reasonably easy to reach both by
train, plane, boat, and car. It may indeed be a very suitable location for a


Quoting Cotty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Jostein will pipe up in a bit, though I think he's in London today, so
> he'll probably log on this evening....
> I had a pipe dream of taking the ferry from Newcastle and driving around
> the fiddly bits for a week or two, but I'm not doing that one in winter!!
> At the moment, it's looking difficult for this year - - we are house
> hunting and need to get something sorted out soon.....
> However, as next year will be my 22nd year with my employer, I get a long
> sevice reward of an extra week's leave..........
> Cheers,
>   Cotty
> ___/\__
> ||   (O)   |     People, Places, Pastiche
> ||=====|    http://www.cottysnaps.com
> _____________________________

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