Geez, Danilo, I could practically hear the drum roll and rimshot...



On 6/30/05 8:19, danilo wrote:

> ok times for a new (geek) joke:
> There are 10 types of people in the world:
> Those who understand binary and those who don't.
> Danilo.
> On 6/30/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Welcome to the world of 001001000100010<g>
>> Some nice first samples Butch. I really like the mill and the B&W bird.
>> I have the A28 and it has become the "standard" lens so to speak for my istD.
>> Dave
>>> Hi guys
>>> As promised Some photos from the new ist ds. The bird pix were taken with
>>> the FA*300/4.5 at 4.5. The flower pix was with the M100/4.0 macro The mill
>>> was with the K 28/3.5 all hand held. The close up bird and mill were with
>>> minimum manipulation just slight curves and sharpening. the flower and B&W
>>> bird had much more done in PS.
>>> These were just tests but comments and criticism welcome.
>>> Butch

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