Apologies, Flubadub. A moving account of an obviously distressing time.

Please remember to change the subject line when replying from the digest
version of the list, otherwise it may not be immediately apparent what
the body of the message is in response to. I finally figured it out.

>Thanks for the nice offering on our memorial. I remember that day very well.
>It was shortly after my old-fashioned windup clock had finished chiming. I
>was some six  miles north of the blast site. Suddenly a roar. The earth
>trembled. The glass in the building rattled. The very air inside my building
>"popped"  the way the air around you does when you fire a 12 gauge. All I
>could think was that a fully fueled SuperJet from either Will Rogers
>International or the World Air Materiel Command at Tinker Air Force Base had
>augered in. We all went outside to see if there was any tell-tale smoke or
>evidence. A thin column rose to the south and slightly east, too close to be
>either airport.
>A dear friend from high school was walking downtown beside the Murrah
>Building when the blast went off. She is still a breath-taking beauty well
>into her late fifties, and an elegant lady whose husband is one of
>Oklahoma's most successful oilmen. Her carotoid artery was severed by a
>piece of flying glass. When Polly stood up holding the wound, a passing car
>going west stopped in the middle of the street between the Murrah and
>Journal Record building, opened its door, took her in, and drove her the
>several blocks to St. Anthonys Hospital, where the emergency workers were
>already standing by at the ER entrance. And Polly is alive today.
>Sometime later I met the UPS deliveryman who pulled out of the Murrah
>building after making his 8:45 deliveries. It was his vacated spot that
>McVeigh pulled in to take. That man was still shaken months later.
>Thanks for the insight. Hope you find these ramblings interesting.
>Oh. The son of my legal assistant called  about noon asking if his mother
>was O.K. as part of the practice involves federal work and he was worried
>that I had sent her to do some filing. The parking lot for the court was
>under the Murrah building and you parked, got out, walked upstairs into the
>Murrah building and over to the Federal Courthouse. He had a right to be
>worried. But she was at the office.
>Enough maudlin comments. Lets get back to Pentax photography!
>Galloway, lurker deluxe.


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