Thanks a lot guys for all the positive and good ideas on this subject. 
I have got a lot of recommendations on useful pay sites, and some on (not so
good) free sites. For the moment I think I'll settle with one of the free

In future I believe I will go for a full membership on the site I have been
using. Or I'll build my own solution as some of you have suggested. I have
been doing some good old fashioned HTML, and am in a process of learning
PHP/MySql programming, and learning CSS styling. The thing is, if making my
own site I will not settle with a simple plain solution anymore, so this
will be a very time consuming project. As far as I know, my ISP provider, does not allow PHP/MySql.

In fact, I've got my own site even though it is down at
the moment. This is not a site dedicated to photo. It is dedicated to ethnic
music from around the globe. While running I had some concert galleries up.
Now I am in a process of rewriting it, making it more user friendly and
making visitors able to upload their own contributions. If I decide to make
my own solution, I will probably finish this first, and then recirculate the
solutions from this project in a dedicated photo site. Decisions,

A mixed solution might be another, even better solution. Making a site
dedicated my own (and perhaps fellow PDML'ers) work, and still to upload
some pictures in one of the "communities" you have suggested. 

While waiting for my mind to settle, I'll just upload at a free site, and
"using" you freaks to get the feedback I want/need ;-)

Right now, I am working on converting my so called "street shots".

Mostly harmless (just plain Norwegian.)

Never underestimate the power of stupidity in large crowds 
(Very freely after Arthur C. Clarke, or some other clever guy)

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