I was thinking about this little "survey" earlier, and how few of the
replies indicated that the digital cameras were their favorites.  I've not
counted replies and made any effort to organize or tally the results, but,
just from reading,  it seems, even amongst digital users, one or another of
the older, film based (and most often manual) cameras are the favored ones.


Maybe the age/photography roots factor is an answer. My first SLR brought my first "real success" in moving beyond snapshots and making the pictures I wanted. It was a Pentax SL - all manual. After a couple of Spotmatics, I spent a chunk on a pair of K2s - no more screw mount and aperture-preferred automation as a bonus - but it retained that all-metal feel. They have stayed with me, as has the MX. Others came and went. For what I think I need, the PZ1p's have been my best picture takers in recent years because of the (almost overkill) flexibility.

I suppose the K2 became a much appreciated bridge - less mechanical effort, thus a bit quicker to use but the roots remained.


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