I did a wedding shoot last Saturday and gave my new-to-me FA*28-70/2.8 a
workout. Now *this* is a nice lens! I hadn't been using my Tokina
28-70/2.6-2.8 much when I sold it a couple of months ago as that range
of focal lengths didn't seem to suit my style on digital. But I thought
it might be handy on a wedding shoot. Indeed it is! The 28-70 range on a
DSLR is equivalent to 42-105 on a film camera (big hello to big Bill
Robb!), which covers from small groups to tight head shots. Absolutely
the dog's bollocks for wedding reception shooting! An additional bonus -
and I didn't think I'd ever say this about an FA* lens -  is that's it's
quite a bit smaller and lighter than the lens it replaced.

Oh yeah, and the optics are fab, too! :)

Mark Roberts
Photography and writing

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