On 7/6/05, William Robb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Most of the problems with the Montreal games had to do with dishonest
> politicians and their minions lining their pockets, more so than any
> problems with the business plan. That is, unless the business plan was to
> make a few of Drapeau's buddies very rich.
> The graft and corruption that went on at the Big Owe are legendary.

Personally, I think it had more to do with the unions.  They basically
held the Olympics for ransom, with wildcat strikes as the games
approached with the facilities no where near completion, deadlines
looming (and often passed).

Mind you, in Quebec, union bosses and politicians had been bedfellows
for many decades before the Olympics.


ps:  All of the above being said, I'm a pro-union guy, but I do
recognize that graft and corruption are what they are no matter where
it happens.  Unions are great, but the union bosses are still bosses,
and eventually unions serve their purposes, not those of the rank and
file (as they should).

"Sharpness is a bourgeois concept."  -Henri Cartier-Bresson

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