No Keith, we have too many politicians who think they can prove that they have testicles by going along with Bush in his war to avenge his father's honor. I further believe that Cheney pushed it along so that his corrupt Halliburton friends could steal billions from their own government.

All the lives, money, and other resources wasted on this war in Iraq should have instead been used to finish up in Afghanistan and to capture Bin Laden and all of his cronies.


keithw wrote:

Jim Hemenway wrote:

 > Still if our governments were truely making war on terror those guys
> would be to busy ducking and dodging to do things like that. Instead we
 > have some politicians' personal agenda.

Absolutely correct!


If you guys think so...
To me that's just so many meadow muffins.

Amrchair generals that know nothing about how to fight an insurgent war, driven by a wildly aberrant religious fanatics... No, them, not us...

We may still need a reprise of the Crusades (except with no Christian banners,) to finally wipe them out.

Two salient facts, one is you MUST wipe the extremist, fatalistic Muslims out, or like Medusa, they keep growing back: and two, while our (the civilized world's) goals are to live and enjoy life, theirs is to die and see if what they've been lied to about is really true....

No lie...we've got years and years to go, to win THIS particular war.
The first thing we ought to do is declare an actual WAR! Which we've not yet done. Make it a class-action suit, so it catches all the bad guys.

Quite unfortunately, the majorly pussy Liberal-leaning American public will never stand for a proper effort. Nothing like an effete citizenry to keep your country strong and on an even keel. Uh huh.

We, the U.S., might as well get used to being thought of like the French, militarily. Start things but too chicken-s*** to finish it properly. WE let the civilians run the war. Just like 'Nam.
And you know how that turned out!

Our troops are still performing very well, but it's their mommas that will bring them home before the time is right. And the chicken-s*** legislators will be the ones who are listening to the whining mommas, and THEY will see to it that funding is cut, and the troops are brought home ~ much too early.

There goes the old reputation for being one of the world's premier fighting forces. Down the tubes.

WE need legislators with some balls. Sadly, we don't have enough of them.

keith whaley

Graywolf wrote:

> Still if our governments were truely making war on terror those guys would be to busy ducking and dodging to do things like that. Instead we have some politicians' personal agenda.
> I am glad everybody I know over there (mostly list folks) are OK. My symphathy to those who have lost loved ones.
 > graywolf

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